DAY 5.
DAY 4.
DAY 3.
DAY 2.
- 1 FAITH – Believe in Him – that He is listening and watching and respond in love.
- 2 PRAY – Cry out to Him.- Get used to talking to the Lord. Pour out your heart, your fears, your woes – share them with Him.
- 9 SEEK – Follow Him through your daily life. He is the Shepherd and we are His sheep.
- 13 DRINK – Drink Him. He is our cup of salvation. We thirst and He alone satisfies. Let Him into your life to meet your deepest needs!
- 14 OBEDIENCE – Obey Him. Do what He says. Give in and submit to Him.
- 16 SERVE – Serve Him. Tell Him that, say it aloud and offer it as an offering.
- 17 THANKS – Thank Him. Think through all the many blessings and benefits the Lord has heaped upon you. If you have troubles, listen to some children pray. They thank the Lord for eyes to see, warm “blankies” to sleep under, food to eat and all the other simple and sweet blessings of life.
- 18-19 LIVE IT – Live for Him. From now on live for His glory, talk of His blessings, come into His presence, worship and adore Him in community with fellow believers.