
Kingdom Coming – Day 2

After encountering the King of this Kingdom and repenting as a response to the awe of who is, the natural next step is to praise Him. To glorify Him. In doing so, we give Him His rightful place. It’s easy to set things up as higher than God, the physical things we see hear and touch, can be placed above the unseen King.  Praise declaring His greatness helps us realign our lives and ensure we have no idols in our lives, we have nothing set up as more important than Him.

Praise also leads to worship, worship is not a song we sing, but a condition of the heart. A way in which we live. When we live from a place of worship, it’s a life that recognises Him as Lord of our lives and does all that we do in the day to day in a way that honours and worships Him.

So today let’s take time to praise Him, to ensure He has His rightful place as King in our lives and to ask for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done in more measure through us, as we glorify Him.

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